Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

... and oh so true

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

U2 ... rattle and hum

I should've known better but got complacent. Dragging my feet as I did, I just never expected that I would be ambushed by my parents. Progressive Asian Parents, at that.

The well-worn routine was that I would call home once a week or fortnight. My folks and I would have a very loud and lively conversation (which has gotten me banned from the living room because Ste finds the decibels deafening) lasting at least an hour each time. The amount of fodder for discussion/contemplation/outright gossip is directly proportional to the size of one's extended family ... and heck, I'm genuinely interested in what the expanding nephew and niece community back home is up to.

At the close of one particularly energetic and satisfying call late last year, as we were preparing to hang up, I was caught like a deer in the headlights -

"Ok Girl, so don't forget to drink a lot of water and get enough rest ok?"

"Ya Mom, don't worry. I'll call again next week awright?"

"Ok! Love you!"

A beat.

"... er ... yeah, ok BYE!" (click)

It was a concerted, strategic, parental ambush. And soon after, Dad was up to the same fuzzy business.

I love my parents dearly, even more now than when I was younger because I understand them and myself much better now. The obnoxious, snotty, teenage twat in me still surfaces occasionally, but for the most part I'd like to think that I've come into my own.

But, while managing to ramble on in my signature way about nearly everything else ("Ma, are you sure those HRT pills are a good idea? Is the Aunty at Ghim Moh selling any new t-shirts? Did you and the girls play mahjong last weekend?"), I always missed the most important thing. By a mile.

Then what's the problem? Not the words ... Ste and I text/coo them to each other at least 10 times a day (I know, I know, too much information) ... I sign off my emails to good friends with "love" ... what's the deal with telling my parents?

Alamak, WHO KNOWS man.

Whatever the case, I've overcome this self-restraint somewhat these past few weeks and guess what, I'm beginning to get the hang of it! No more weird pause, no more non-committal "ya, ya me too", the shackles of self-restraint have been shattered, hallelujah.

Sigh. So it seems like parents still know best.

"Mom, Dad, LOVE YOU!" (logout)


Bluesoul said...
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Karen M said...

That's so true! I have the same problem. I have no problems saying it to hubby and Alicia ("Mummy loves you!") but to my mum and dad....weird.....

Anonymous said...

your parents are v. progressive for asian parents - compared to mine at least! they have NEVER EVER told me they love me. and, yep, it feels weird like Karen says: I NEVER say it to them. But certainly to hubby and also to Boy hahaha! charm.

Alicia said...

Charmaine, I think Michelle's family probably takes the cake. If I'm not mistaken, they kiss each other when saying goodbye! Now isn't THAT radical???

Alicia said...

Widya my dear, I love reading the other blog ... daft question - does it take comments or not???

Bluesoul said...

Alicia, the answer is yes, and only because I finally decided to install a Haloscan comment form on that blog. It's right at the end of each entry. Comment away. :-)