Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

... and oh so true

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Yes, I'm procrastinating

As I see it, the main trouble with doing research -apart from having to think- is the isolation. I work from home (in the study, which is all of 2 paces from the bedroom) and can get through pretty much the entire day not having uttered a word ... save for a cuss under the breath when I've stubbed my little toe. Even that exclaimation is economised, barely escaping my cracked lips as a "FFFffff ..."

This solitude runs plainly against the grain of my personality. I'm certain I've complained about this before but -heck- just for the record, I'm gonna play it again, Sam.

As you well know, I have an exceedingly high dependence on human interaction. And I don't mean the five-sen, ten-sen occasional small talk with random neighbour in the cellar (where the washing machines are chained) or Coop cashier, well meaning though they may be.

But rather a rich and succulent rump of high quality, unadulterated free-ranging conversation which means something. With people who mean a lot.

So thank heavens for instant messaging. And for all the people on it who help sustain me through the days of silence!


Pink said...

Instant messenger? how come I don't have your address. I love instant messenger.

Alicia said...

Cool beans - I've added you as my contact on both MSN and Yahoo! In case it doesn't show up, mine's (or aeony).

See ya online!

Dreaming giraffes,

Anonymous said...

hihi! your academic profile page has your nice picture covering the titles :) may want to shift....

Pink said...

get to work.

this is a public service announcement.

those academics not working may be subject to long bouts of guilt.

if this were a real procrastination emergency you would already be asleep.

please return to your regular internet browsing.

blinkingredlight said...

AUNTY! happy birthday!!!! :)

Carla said...

Beautiful blog you have here. I hear you about working from home. I did that for quite awhile and there are days... Good luck.