Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

... and oh so true

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Those salad days

I used to love visiting friends' homes when I was a kid. It allowed for some juvenile investigative behavior on my part. From my general survey it appeared that many of my contemporaries were stellar athletes, academic brainiacs or bemedalled uniformed group members. Their living room display cabinets were more often than not crammed with sports trophies, book awards, embroidered badges, shiny pins, a veritable fest of everything gilded and ribboned.

In my thirty-one years as a sentient and partially productive being, I have only ever won 1 trophy. And what an almighty one it was, all of two-feet tall with a bulging thorax of plasticky gold (the strikingly same shade as the foil on chocolate coins), obligatory school crest, ribbons on each ear (in green, black and white), all perched on a laminate wood pedestal.

The inscription at the base of the trophy proudly declared,

Lower Secondary Salad Making Competition
Illustrious as that might sound, my leaf-tossing partner and I hadn't actually taken the competition all that seriously. Our end-product was some unfortunate mass of chicken mayo laid to rest on a bed of leafy greens. It was quite possibly Puiming's aesthetic touch which saved the day ... and the vinagrette.
Not entirely convinced by our own stab at the culinary rankings, we christianed the project 'Chicken Hoohah' - a half-dare with Fate so that if by some fluke (or sensory disability on the judges' part) we should win, then the MC would be pressed to announce the nonsensical name. Such is the arcane impenetrability of teenage humour.
As it turned out, Hoohah did us proud. But there is no chance for a replay of those salad days now I'm afraid, unless it's with mock chicken.


Unknown said...

i forgot we named it chicken hoohah! hoho...and remember our subsequent, not-so-fortunate flower arrangement competition?!


Alicia said...

OMG, I was hoping that THAT arum lily fiasco was long forgotten ... didn't someone comment that, shrouded in a bale of black fabric, it quite resembled a dead baby?

So morbid, hor? Did we actually submit it in the end though???

Unknown said...

I don't remember the black fabric bit!

we did attempt a submission, but the one look the teachers gave us when they saw our sad offering, we knew it was a lost cause......

a pity though for the unfortunate ending - that was a fine bunch of arum lilies!!!

Alicia said...

Drats, no black shroud? My poor failing memory ... though there's certainly no disputing the teachers' look of disdain.

And see how far we've come! :)